2nd Annual Golf Tournament hosted by ILLEST Brand.
This is a FUN event for everyone! You will recieive excellent swag from our sponsors, play games, win prizes, trophies for the top teams and much more!
$120 per player includes:
18 Holes of Golf
One bucket of range balls
Cart Rental
Swag Bag (worth over $300)
Lunch will be provided!
Check in at 8:00am. Start Time at 10:00am. Lunch at 1pm
Deadline to Register: EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 6, 2019.
Scramble Golf Rules will be played during the tournament. Limited space available.
For more information or if you are interested in being a sponsor email: illestopen@gmail.com
A portion of the proceeds of this tournament will benefit the Rok-A-Long Foundation.
Special Thanks to our SPONSORS:
Thule - Rotiform - VANKulture - VK Garage - J.J. Commercial Water Heaters - Red Roof Plus - Empowered By The Flower - Meguiar's - MICHELIN - Rok-A-Long Foundation